Jamaican Nurses Experienced in Papaya Skin Therapy

According to a study by a reputable University in the Caribbean, more than 50% of Jamaican nurses interviewed were familiar with the effects of unripe papaya fruit for skin …”desloughing, granulation and healing and reduced odour in chronic skin ulcers…papaya was considered to be more effective than other topical applications in the treatment of chronic ulcers.”

The active enzymes in the unripe fruit are similar to those found in the young papaya leaf.

Authors of the study, Hewitt H, Whittle S, Lopez S, Bailey E, and Weaver S. noted that there is “…some difficulty in preparation of the fruit”.

The “Julia Ruffin Project” organized by Ruffin Trading Company of GA, USA will soon bring to market all-natural, easy to prepare products made in Jamaica from the young papaya leaf for topical use, tea, and medicinal fermented drink.

See http://www.papayaleavesforcancer.com

Reference the study quoted above:
Topical use of papaya in chronic skin ulcer therapy in Jamaica.

Hewitt H, Whittle S, Lopez S, Bailey E, Weaver S.
Journal West Indian Med J. 2000 Mar;49(1):32-3.

Department of Advanced Nursing Education, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.



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